Pool management (succession)
We identify, evaluate and manage a pool of appropriate candidates using profiles that have been defined in advance.
This accelerates the targeted succession process, or the process of filling a position following an unexpected departure, or when searching for a specialist.
The traditional executive search is used when a vacancy is planned or occurs unexpectedly and, depending on the attractiveness of the position and the liquidity of the market, lasts for two to three months.
The evaluation and management of a pool of candidates for specific positions means, when necessary, there is already a qualified long list of competent and, most importantly, interested candidates.
In our experience, this approach makes sense, in particular, when the profile is very specific or challenging, and it reduces the process significantly. It also creates proximity over time and has a positive effect on employer branding.

We work with our clients to define a profile and inform the candidates about our client, the position and the time frame for filling or refilling the position.
We maintain regular contact with those interested in the position and, if they wish/need, we have them meet our client.
Depending on the position and the agreement, the pool includes three to five candidates.
The advantages of proactive pool management are:
- Engaging in a dialog early on with potential candidates creates proximity and trust
- This unique form of planning and contact provides them with a positive view of you and improves your employer branding
- You make an emotional connection with people, which makes onboarding easier and ensures a good cultural fit
The fee for this service is comprised of the following elements:
- Briefing, understanding and documentation of the position and creation of the pool (one-time fee of CHF 15,000)
- Management of the pool (annual fee of CHF 5,000 to 10,000)
- Placement amount when selecting/recruiting someone from the pool (one-time fee of 20% of the planned annual salary)