Board assessment
Whether a board creates added value and functions internally depends, in addition to the quality of the members, above all on the ability of the chair to moderate the board as well as the coordination of the ambitions of the individual members.
The duties of the board of a Swiss company are challenging. They go beyond controlling and also include providing the company with strategic direction.
Depending on the type of company, industry and market situation, a broad range of skills and specific experience are required. Assuming these conditions are met, the board culture determines whether and to what extent added value is generated.
An effective board is characterized by mutual respect, the ability to work constructively to obtain the best solutions, making itself available, the active participation of its members and engaging in a dialog with management.

After studying the CVs of the members of the board and management, we conduct individual meetings with the chair and the members of the board as well as with the CEO.
We analyze the existing competencies versus those that are required as well as the complementary experience.
We document the results for the chair in concrete recommendations in the following areas:
- General normative board competencies
- Strategic competency
- Specific market experience
- Diversity
- Specific technological competency
- Business model innovation competency
- Board culture
- Reputation
- CEO/management sparring
Our fee for this service is based on the size of the company and the board, and ranges from CHF 10,000 to CHF 30,000.